Holiday Wrapping Paper

This holiday season, we gifted our clients, collaborators, and friends with something we hoped they could use: custom-designed, silkscreened wrapping paper. For the past three years, Aerogram Studio has been the international design partnership between Vera Henco in Düsseldorf and Tess Golden in New York. Our wrapping paper celebrates the differences between these two great cities with a series of icons—the light blue paper features Düsseldorf, and the dark blue, New York. We sent out our paper with a glossary which explained the abstract icons in more detail.

1 – The beautiful Rhine River 2 – Put your red nose on and celebrate Karneval with us 3 – Or what about a glass of our famous Altbier? 4 – Düsseldorf has a total of seven bridges crossing the Rhine 5 – In Oberkassel as well as the Altstadt there are pretty old houses 6 – Put some aged Gouda on a piece of ray bread and we call it Halve Hahn (lit. half a chicken) 7 – There are more than 6500 Japanese living in Düsseldorf, hence we have some lovely sushi here 8 – Did you know Düsseldorf is the only city nation wide that has an extra yellow traffic light for pedestrians? 9 – And that we are the dog friendliest city in Germany?